Dynamic mechanical thermal analysis
Jānis Zicāns, Remo Merijs-Meri, Tatjana Ivanova, Ivans Bočkovs, Juris Bitenieks

Description of the Technology

Dynamic mechanical thermal analysis of solid material samples in tensile and bending test modes for analysis in a wide range of temperatures (from -150oC to 500oC) and frequencies (0.001 - 200Hz) using Mettler / Toledo dynamic mechanical thermal analysis equipment DMA / SDTA861e.


Dynamic mechanical thermal analysis is applicable to a wide range of solid state materials over a wide range of temperatures and frequencies. Dynamic mechanical thermal analysis can be used for the analysis of elastic properties of materials, as well as structure (relaxation transitions) analysis depending on temperature and / or frequency.


 Relatively wide range of test temperatures and frequencies; relatively large possible sample sizes (up to 80mm (length) x 10mm (width) x 4mm (thickness)).



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