Assessment of the use of renewable electricity in heat supply by integrating large-scale heat pumps
Ieva Pakere, Dagnija Blumberga, Armands Grāvelsiņš

Description of the Technology

 We offer an assessment of heat pump potential for heat supply systems, analyzing potential heat sources, required installed capacity and economic justification for the potential transition of specific boiler houses to the use of heat pumps. The operation of heat pumps is adjusted to the potential of possible renewable electricity utilisation.


The assessment allows heat supply operators, large companies and municipalities to analyze the change of the source of the heat supply system to the use of large-scale heat pumps, taking into account the required heat and electric power, operating costs and the available amount of renewable electricity.


 The integration of large-scale heat pumps will enable a more successful transition to a carbon-neutral energy supply in the future, in which renewable electricity is efficiently used in the production of heat energy and provides the function of energy accumulation. The used methodology and in-depth research ensure science-based implementation of technology to use available energy resources as efficiently as possible.


Heat pumps,centralized heat supply,renewable electricity,carbon-neutral energy supply

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