Two horizontal discs of bitumen or bituminous binder inserted into brass rings with a border and two steel balls are placed in the center of discs. For a mass with an expected softening temperature in the range of 25 ⁰C to 80 ⁰C, the experiment carried out in a water bath with a starting temperature of 5⁰C. Water is heated at a controlled speed to a temperature at which two discs become soft enough to allow each ball sinks into the bitumen or bituminous binder 25 ± 0.4 mm. The softening temperature is determined as the average of the penetration temperature of each ball. The test is conducted with Automatic Digital Ring and Ball Apparatus B070M, MATEST (Innovative Global Manufacturer, Italy) machine.
Using the ring - ball method the softening point of bitumen and bitumen binder can be determined using a small amount of weight.
Using the ring - ball method, the softening point of bitumen and bitumen binder is determined for experimental samples prior to industrial manufacture using a small amount of weight.
Softening,bitumen,bituminous binders