Textile material reducing infrared radiation in the range of thermal spectrum
Inga Ļašenko, Olga Kononova, Andrejs Krasņikovs, Juris Ķiploks, Arta Viļuma-Gudmona, Armands Šenfelds

The invention relates to the textile industry and is intended to use textile as a camouflage and shielding material.The invention is a textile material reducing infrared and ultraviolet light in the range of the thermal spectrum, where interlayer is made of combined spatially voluminous interlacing, preferably, the knitted patterned plush interlacing on the basis of single jersey, whose complex fibers include worsted merino wool from 45 up to 55 % by mass weight, polypropylene fibers from 35 up to 45 % by mass weight and metallized fibers from 20 up to 30 % by mass weight, for example silver or aluminum fibers. Furthermore, the smooth side of the interlayer is impregnated with succinate and silica dioxide complex, preferably 5 % succinate and 5 % silica dioxide.Textile material of the interlayer is localized between the external layer, made of a heat-insulating material with a spectral reflection characteristic close to the spectral characteristic of a reflection of the background surface, preferably from acetylcellulose, and an inner layer, preferably from the material comprising an insulating coating of aerogel and reinforced non-woven fiberglass material with the desired thickness of 3 mm, so that, the plush bearers directed towards the internal side of the layer, but the smooth impregnated part of the interlayer is the external side.The invention can be used to increase the quality of a camouflage suit, that will significantly reduce the visibility of a warm masking object in the infrared range and improve the wearer's comfort.

Patent publication
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