The invention is related to the telecommunications sector, particularly the multi-wave light sources, which generate optical frequency combs (OFC) used for data transmission in fiber optical wavelength division multiplexed (WDM) telecommunications systems.
The invention aims to reduce the number of light sources (lasers or light-emitting diodes) needed in the transmitter part of the multi-channel WDM fiber optical telecommunication systems without reducing the number of channels used for data transmission and, by using multi-level pulse amplitude modulation (M-PAM) where multiple bits are encoded in one signal level, provide spectrally efficient data transmission between the transmitter side of the fiber optical telecommunication system and its optical network terminals (ONT). It can be realized by the invented WDM fiber optical telecommunications system with a multi-wave light source developed on a silica microrod resonator (WGMR-OFC), which is created using a silica microrod with a quality factor Q≥107.