The Dust Risk Analyze in Grain Reloading Company and Measures to Prevent Them
51. RTU Starptautiskā zinātniskā konference : RTU IEVF Ekonomikas un uzņēmējdarbības zinātniskā konference (SCEE '2010): konferences rakstu krājums : sekcija "Tehnogēnās vides drošības zinātniskās problēmas" 2011
Jānis Ieviņš, A. Meļko, Ženija Roja

In grain handling the dust concentration level exceeds the vocational exposure threshold and increased concentration of dust has been observed in those workplaces where dust level has been estimated. Air pollution index (API) in the company has changed from level II to level IV. In workplaces where grain is handled, dust concentration is higher than in a conveyer operator’s workplace. Dust concentration in the workplace depends on the kind of grain to be processed, as well as its cleanliness, and the results of dust concentration measurements in workplaces give proof to it. Working ability of employees at grain reloading companies are average and good. The obtained results are indicative of this when working ability index (WAI) has been assessed. The level of risk established from the results of assessment and calculations differed from those which were obtained from the employees’ surveys. It can be concluded that the employees’ subjective assessment of risk factors in workplace differs from the objective evaluation obtained from the results of calculations. It means that the subjective opinion should be based on the results of objective measurements and calculations. Practical recommendations focus on reduction of dust concentration in the area where employees work, on work scheduling depending on the sort of the grain to be processed, use of personal protective equipment and obligatory health checks. According to the results of WAI analysis, it can be concluded that working abilities are influenced by physical load. Therefore even distribution of the load is necessary which can be achieved by planning rotation of employees.

dust, grain handling, air pollution, risk index

Ieviņš, J., Meļko, A., Roja, Ž. The Dust Risk Analyze in Grain Reloading Company and Measures to Prevent Them. In: 51. RTU Starptautiskā zinātniskā konference : RTU IEVF Ekonomikas un uzņēmējdarbības zinātniskā konference (SCEE '2010): konferences rakstu krājums : sekcija "Tehnogēnās vides drošības zinātniskās problēmas", Latvia, Rīga, 14-16 October, 2010. Rīga: RTU Izdevniecība, 2011, pp.57-64. ISBN 978-9934-10-128-1.

Publication language
Latvian (lv)
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