Real Estate Market Changes Influencing Factors and It Significance for Branch Development
50. RTU Starptautiskā zinātniskā konference : RTU IEVF Ekonomikas un uzņēmējdarbības zinātniskā konference (SCEE' 2009): konferences ziņojumu tēžu krājums 2009
Didzis Ādmīdiņš, Jānis Zvanītājs

The real estate market in Latvia in recent years has moved very dynamically and it has focused a great attention. There have been rapid price increases, as well as price reductions and population has changed attitude towards real estate. In some of the real estate market segments the price drop compared to the price ceiling has fallen by more than 70 percent. The chosen research object is the serial apartment market in Riga, because the data of these market segment parameters are accurately recorded and the market facilities are readily comparable with each other. Over time it has become apparent that people and the specialist prognoses of possible trends in this market often do not realize, so I chose to study the real estate market trends, depending on the factors influencing the market. The main factors I have been chosen that affect or respond to the real estate markets are unemployment, inflation, retail turnover, gross domestic product, credit interest rate, the average wage, as well as construction costs. Of course, those are not all the factors that may affect or reflect on trends in the real estate market, but it is important to choose most relevant factors. The main conclusions are that there is a correlation among the real estate market and the various factors impacting the economy and in order to use these factors for the study there should be studied not only their historical correlation, real estate and economic cyclicality, but also the preemptive indicators of trends that signal before the relevant event.

nekustamā īpašuma tirgus, nekustamā īpašuma tirgus prognoze, ekonomikas cikliskums

Ādmīdiņš, D., Zvanītājs, J. Real Estate Market Changes Influencing Factors and It Significance for Branch Development. In: 50. RTU Starptautiskā zinātniskā konference : RTU IEVF Ekonomikas un uzņēmējdarbības zinātniskā konference (SCEE' 2009): konferences ziņojumu tēžu krājums, Latvia, Rīga, 15-16 October, 2009. Rīga: Rīgas Tehniskā Universitāte, 2009, pp.44-44. ISBN 9789984321738.

Publication language
Latvian (lv)
The Scientific Library of the Riga Technical University.
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