The doctoral thesis „Improving the Working Time Estimation in Latvian Sewing Companies” compiles and systemizes the information on specialized empirical, calculation and combined data bases of working time expenditure standardization for the sewing industry, justified by the necessity of educating the sewing industry’s new and existing staff on working time expenditure standardization, method management and persuasion on a more detailed choice of labour organization and standardization analysis techniques. The theoretical material is supplemented with flow charts of the usage methods. Based on the collected theoretical material on the working time standardization methods a comparative analysis of content and application has been set up, showing the potential of the methods, the areas of usage, the reliability and possible deviations in the practical operation. Analyzing the available published information on the general-purpose and specialized automated manufacturing process designing and management systems and the experience working with the specialized system SSD, their classification, systematization and comparison has been displayed. Based on the studies performed in six Latvian sewing companies the methods used in the standard determination and the working time expenditure analysis methods, documentation and the link between other production management functions in Latvian sewing enterprises in practice have been reflected. An analysis of the problems identified in the process of the study has been performed, the causes have been systemized and classified, and potential technological and ergonomic solutions have been offered. Within the framework of the thesis a comparative analysis of the working time expenditure standardization method/tool labour-intensity results has been performed, determining the advantages and disadvantages, the precision of the data and the deviations from the labour intensity standards given in practice, finding the possible causes of deviations. To determine the working time expenditure for the outdoor clothes assortment group, as a result of the analysis and systematization of the necessary data, a manual, a machine-manual and a machine work hierarchicals structures has been set up, upon which the data management structure has been based. The doctoral thesis has been written in Latvian and contains 180 pages, 8 chapters, 76 pictures, 65 tables, 3 annexes (the 3rd annex is in a separate volume) and 85 literary sources.