Out-of-Step Relays Testing Procedure
Antans Sauļus Sauhats, Andrejs Utāns, Grigorijs Pašņins, Dmitrijs Antonovs

The paper presents out-of-step (OOS) protection device testing methodology under close-to-real power system operation conditions. The power system stability modelling software is used as source of test signals. The accurate modelling of power system in conjunction with dynamical modelling features allows the correct choice of the most reliable OOS protection scheme. Methodology was applied for out-of-step relay “AGNA” testing and device settings verification

Power system stability, out-of-step relay, power system modelling software, relay testing, COMTRADE format

Sauhats, A., Utāns, A., Pašņins, G., Antonovs, D. Out-of-Step Relays Testing Procedure. Power and Electrical Engineering. Vol.29, 2011, pp.9-14. ISSN 1407-7345. Available from: doi:10.2478/v10144-011-0001-2

Publication language
English (en)
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