INSPIRE, GMES and GEOS Activities, Methods and Tools towards a Single Information Space in Europe for the Environment
Karel Charvat,
Māris Alberts,
Milan Ovacek,
Jan Kolomaznik,
Vaclav Vobora,
Lubos Kucera,
Sarmīte Barvika,
Karin Allenbach,
Dorian Gorgan
The book “INSPIRE, GMES and GEOSS Activities, Methods and Tools towards a Single Information Space in Europe for the Environment” was prepared by EarthLookCZ (project EUPRO OK488) in cooperation with Tehnoloģiju attīstības forums, Latvia. The contents of the book are based not only on the results of the EarthLookCZ project, but also on the results of the following ones: Plan4all (eContentplus project), Humboldt (6.FP project 030962), SOSI CZ ( ESA project), enviroGRIDS (7.FP project 226740), GE ESI-DR (7.FP project 212073), WI SOC (6.FP project 033914) 3.
Information Space, European Information Society, Environment
Charvat, K., Alberts, M., Ovacek, M., Kolomaznik, J., Vobora, V., Kucera, L., Barvika, S., Allenbach, K., Gorgan, D. INSPIRE, GMES and GEOS Activities, Methods and Tools towards a Single Information Space in Europe for the Environment. Rīga: Tehnoloģiju attīstības forums, 2009. 170 p. ISBN 978-9934-8105-1-0.
Publication language
English (en)