Model Based Escherichia Coli Bacteria Fermentation
Abstracts of the 52nd International Scientific Conference of Riga Technical University : Section: Material Science and Applied Chemistry 2011
Oskars Grīgs, Juris Vanags, Vytautas Galvanauskas

Model-based fed-batch cultivation approach of non-recombinant Escherichia coli bacteria are presented. Aim of current research was to utilize mathematical modeling of fermentation process to precisely calculate exponential feeding rates for succesive biomass growth processes. In this case were used models which state mass balance for biomass (X), substrate (S), acetate (A), vessel volume (V) and additional model for bioreactor mass flows (F). In such a way we achieved controlled and predefined biomass growth according to the process model. Using well defined fed-batch media which consisted from salts and glucose, in most successive runs were achieved E. coli cultures with biomass concentrations up to 60 g/l.

Biotechnology, fermentation, process control, Escherichia coli

Grīgs, O., Vanags, J., Galvanauskas, V. Model Based Escherichia Coli Bacteria Fermentation. In: Abstracts of the 52nd International Scientific Conference of Riga Technical University : Section: Material Science and Applied Chemistry, Latvia, Rīga, 13-15 October, 2011. Riga: RTU Publishing House, 2011, pp.94-94. ISBN 978-9934-10-181-6.

Publication language
English (en)
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