Perspectives of Use and Features of Design of Micro-Class Unmanned Aerial Vehicle
The 10th International Conference "Information Technologies and Management" 2012
Aleksandrs Urbahs, Vladimirs Petrovs, A. Jakovlevs, Vladimirs Bulanovs

This paper deals with analysis of main specifics of engineering, manufacturing and practical usage of remote-controlled unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) micro-class. The special field of UAV application is monitoring of environment and industrial facility. Author’s research is based on UAV construction. There are also evaluated technologies of UAVs manufacturing with appliance of CAM, performed theoretical study and computer generated simulation of the aerodynamic characteristics of UAV different parts.

unmanned aerial systems, unmanned aerial vehicle, construction, computer-aided design, aerial monitoring, aircraft design

Urbahs, A., Petrovs, V., Jakovlevs, A., Bulanovs, V. Perspectives of Use and Features of Design of Micro-Class Unmanned Aerial Vehicle. In: The 10th International Conference "Information Technologies and Management", Latvia, Riga, 12-13 April, 2012. Riga: ISMA, 2012, pp.127-127.

Publication language
English (en)
The Scientific Library of the Riga Technical University.
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