Using Inductive Learning Methods in Data Classification
53. RTU Studentu zinātniskās un tehniskās konferences materiāli
Valdis Gersons,
Madara Gasparoviča-Asīte
The article examines the options of using inductive classification algorithm BEXA for classifying real bioinformatics data. The results allow concluding the following: BEXA algorithm is more applicable to classification of data with nominal values. Based on the obtained results, it is planned to study and develop fuzzy versions of BEXA algorithm (FuzzyBEXA and FuzzyBEXA 2) that can potentially be more suitable for analysis of bioinformatics data.
Bexa algorithm, bioinformatics data
Gersons, V., Gasparoviča-Asīte, M. Using Inductive Learning Methods in Data Classification. In: 53. RTU Studentu zinātniskās un tehniskās konferences materiāli, Latvia, Rīga, 26-26 April, 2012. Rīga: RTU Izdevniecība, 2012, pp.135-135. ISBN 978-9934-10-380-3.
Publication language
Latvian (lv)