Use of Fuzzy Control in Problems of Controlling
Международная школа молодых ученых "Нелинейная динамика машин" (School-NDM). XVII симпозиум "Динамика виброударных (сильно нелинейных) систем" (DYVIS-2012): сборник трудов 2012
Jānis Vība, Anita Geriņa-Ancāne, Marina Čerpinska, Agrita Eiduka

Translation motion control along given trajectory for object with one degree of freedom is investigated. System control uses only one input sensor – object (car) velocity, which allows calculating velocity error. Results show that systems with fuzzy logic elements are very stable and allow us to maintain levels of velocity in horizontal directions as well as other movement control in normal road situations like slopes, and additionally taking into account system vibration parameters.

speed control, adaptive control fuzzy logic control, robotics

Vība, J., Geriņa-Ancāne, A., Čerpinska, M., Eiduka, A. Use of Fuzzy Control in Problems of Controlling. In: Международная школа молодых ученых "Нелинейная динамика машин" (School-NDM). XVII симпозиум "Динамика виброударных (сильно нелинейных) систем" (DYVIS-2012): сборник трудов, Russia, Москва, 19-27 May, 2012. Москва: РАН, 2012, pp.268-271. ISBN 978-5-904282-03-5.

Publication language
English (en)
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