The Importance of the Start of the Education of Teachers in an Institution of Higher Education on the Territory of Nowadays Latvia at the Polytechnic School and the Polytechnic Institute in Riga from 1862 to 1919
Mokslo ir technikos raida Lietuvoje: 15-osios mokslo istorikų konferencijos pranešimai 2012
Alīda Zigmunde

In 2012 the Riga Technical University (RTU) – the oldest technical University in Latvia and the oldest institution for higher technical education in the Baltic States – celebrates 150 years since its foundation. The Riga Technical University was founded in 1862 as Riga Polytechnic School, which was reorganised in 1896 into the Riga Polytechnic Institute. From the beginning in 1862 it is known to educate engineers and state employees, but this institution for higher technical education had also the task to educate teachers for natural sciences and technical matters for professional schools and other institutions of technical education – as other polytechnic schools in their time did also. At the Riga Polytechnic School and the Riga Polytechnic Institute there existed no special department for the education of future teachers nor was there a special program for the education of teachers. Only in the program of the Department of Technical Chemistry for the study-years 1868/69 and 1869/70 we can read that the goal of the studies was among others to educate teachers for natural sciences. But the students did not get a diploma as a teacher nor as a teacher for certain subjects as mathematics or natural sciences. If you analyse the curricula vitae of the alumni you can see, that a good part of them later worked as teachers in middle-schools, commerce- schools, high-schools, professional schools and some as teachers at universities. We could bring a lot of examples of places where alumni of the Riga Polytechnic Institute later worked as teachers. They worked at universities in Bonn, Danzig, Dnepropetrovsk, Dresden, Göttingen, Irkutsk, Ivanovo-Vosnesensk, Karlsruhe, Kaunas, Kiew, Lvov, Moskau, Tallin, Tomsk, Warschau and many at the University of Latvia which was founded in 1919. They worked at different schools, schools for commerce and professional schools in Russia (Eriwan, Jekaterinburg, Kasan, Lodz, Odessa, Orl, Polock, Novorossijsk, Sankt- Petersburg, Simbirsk, Tallinn, Tbilisi, Tomsk, Riga, Vilnius, Kaunas, Mažeikiai), in China (Peking), Finnland, Berlin, London and even in Brazil and in many other town of different countries. They occupied different posts – as teachers, professors, directors of schools, rectors of universities. You can find the alumni of the RPI at all strata of society. Even among the Ministers of Education of Latvia, Lithuania and Poland in the 20th and 30th of the 20th century we can find alumni of the Riga Polytechnic and the Polytechnic Institute. The alumni of the RPI not only became teachers, they also became the authors of textbooks for students of universities and professional schools. You might think, that the teaching staff had the sole task to teach at the Institute, but that was not the reality. Many professors and assistant professors had a second job as a teacher at different schools in Riga or they were active in the administration of educational institutions. All this was important for the development of pedagogy in Latvia and especially pedagogy of higher education at the level of a university. The tradition to educate future school-teachers is continued up till now. Though the alumni of the RTU still don’t get a diploma as a teacher they still can get a pedagogical oriented education. There is an Institute of Humanities at the RTU and it is possible to get courses of your choice in pedagogy. So the RTU is further developing the traditions of the Riga Polytechnic School and the Riga Polytechnic Institute.

the education of teachers, Polytechnic institute in Riga

Zigmunde, A. The Importance of the Start of the Education of Teachers in an Institution of Higher Education on the Territory of Nowadays Latvia at the Polytechnic School and the Polytechnic Institute in Riga from 1862 to 1919. In: Mokslo ir technikos raida Lietuvoje: 15-osios mokslo istorikų konferencijos pranešimai, Lithuania, Vilnius, 6-6 December, 2012. Vilnius: Vilniaus Gedimino Technikos Universitetas, 2012, pp.13-29. ISSN 2029-1566.

Publication language
German (de)
The Scientific Library of the Riga Technical University.
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