The Use of BEXA Family Algorithms in Bioinformatics Data Classification
Madara Gasparoviča-Asīte, Ludmila Aleksejeva, Valdis Gersons

This article studies the possibilities of BEXA family classification algorithms – BEXA, FuzzyBexa and FuzzyBexa II in data, especially bioinformatics data, classification. Three different types of data sets have been used in the study – data sets often used in the literature, UCI data repository real life data sets and real bioinformatics data sets that have the specific character – a large number of attributes and a small number of records. For the comparison of classification results experiments have been carried out using all data sets and other classification algorithms. As a result, conclusions have been drawn and recommendations given about the use of each algorithm of BEXA family for classification of various real data, as well as an answer has been given to the question, whether the use of these algorithms is recommended for bioinformatics data.

classification algorithms, bioinformatics data, BEXA, UCI data

Gasparoviča-Asīte, M., Aleksejeva, L., Gersons, V. The Use of BEXA Family Algorithms in Bioinformatics Data Classification. Information Technology and Management Science. Vol.15, 2012, pp.120-126. ISSN 2255-9086. e-ISSN 2255-9094.

Publication language
English (en)
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