Ontology Building Using Data Mining Techniques
Henrihs Gorskis, Jurijs Čižovs

This paper deals with certain data mining techniques in order to discover their potential for use in automated ontology building. The end goal is the reduction in the time requirement for the construction of any given ontology and necessity for expert consultation. This can be achieved by combining data mining and ontology engineering. The aim of this paper is to take a deeper look at potentially useful data mining techniques for an automated ontology building process, to research related publications in this field and to propose ideas on how to use data mining techniques in ontology building.

data mining techniques, ontology engineering

Gorskis, H., Čižovs, J. Ontology Building Using Data Mining Techniques. Information Technology and Management Science. Vol.15, 2012, pp.183-188. ISSN 2255-9086. e-ISSN 2255-9094.

Publication language
English (en)
The Scientific Library of the Riga Technical University.
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