Development of Underwater Laser Scaling Adapter
Kaspars Bluss

In this paper the developed laser scaling adapter is presented. The scaling adapter is equipped with a twin laser unit where the two parallel laser beams are projected onto any target giving an exact indication of scale. The body of the laser scaling adapter is made of Teflon, the density of which is approximately two times the water density. The development involved multiple challenges – numerical hydrodynamic calculations for choosing an appropriate shape which would reduce the effects of turbulence, an accurate sealing of the power supply and the laser diodes, and others. The precision is estimated by the partial derivation method. Both experimental and theoretical data conclude the overall precision error to be in the 1% margin. This paper presents the development steps of such an underwater laser scaling adapter for a remotely operated vehicle (ROV).

laser scaling, remotely operated vehicle (ROV), seabed inspection

Bluss, K. Development of Underwater Laser Scaling Adapter. Environmental and Climate Technologies. Vol.10, 2012, pp.4-8. ISSN 1691-5208. e-ISSN 2255-8845. Available from: doi:10.2478/v10145-012-0018-6

Publication language
English (en)
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