Underwater Survey Future Perspectives
Riga Technical University 53rd International Scientific Conference: Dedicated to the 150th Anniversary and the 1st Congress of World Engineers and Riga Polytechnical Institute / RTU Alumni: Digest 2012
Kristīne Carjova, Vladislavs Zavtkevicha, Ilze Stelpa, Darja Krilova

Underwater survey future perspectives

Underwater survey, ship’s hull corrosion, fouling

Carjova, K., Zavtkevicha, V., Stelpa, I., Andrejeva, D. Underwater Survey Future Perspectives. In: Riga Technical University 53rd International Scientific Conference: Dedicated to the 150th Anniversary and the 1st Congress of World Engineers and Riga Polytechnical Institute / RTU Alumni: Digest, Latvia, Riga, 11-12 October, 2012. Riga: RTU Publishing House, 2012, pp.622-622. ISBN 978-9934-10-360-5.

Publication language
English (en)
The Scientific Library of the Riga Technical University.
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