Reaction Time of Preparation for Side-kick in Taekwondo
Abstracts of the 5th Baltic Sport Science Conference “Current Issues and New Ideas in Sport Science”
Sergejs Saulīte,
Leonīds Čupriks,
Veronika Fedotova,
N Visochina,
Uldis Ciematnieks,
G Glazkovs
The aim of the research was to determine the reaction time factors of the taekwondo athletes. Exercises in pairs were found to be an effective method of improving the reaction time in the studied goup of athletes (12 - 14 years old).
reaction time, coaching, side kick
Saulīte, S., Čupriks, L., Fedotova, V., Visochina, N., Ciematnieks, U., Glazkovs, G. Reaction Time of Preparation for Side-kick in Taekwondo. In: Abstracts of the 5th Baltic Sport Science Conference “Current Issues and New Ideas in Sport Science”: 5th Baltic Sport Science Conference “Current Issues and New Ideas in Sport Science”, Lithuania, Kauņa, 18.-19. April, 2012. Kaunas: Lietuvos kūno kultūros akademija, 2012, pp.188.-188. ISBN 9786098040708.
Publication language
English (en)