Analysing terminology existing in the art theory today and considering eclectic expressions in Art Deco aesthetics in the 20-30s in connection with nationally ethnographic style elements or their stylisation, it is offered to use the term Folkloristic Art Deco. To show essential contention and esthetical difference between national romanticism and folkloristic Art Deco, the examples of Latvian architecture and art of the beginning of the 20th century are given. The term Folkloristic Art Deco allows defining more accurately such phenomena, which till now have been interpreted as national romanticism or folk romanticism, promoting discussions among scientists rather than giving conception about the place of object in the history of Latvian art and architecture. Folkloristic Art Deco as the component of modernism art and architecture of 20-30s in special moments naturally insinuates just into aesthetics of pre-postmodernism. For this reason, the aim of this paper is to show not only the importance of term Folkloristic Art Deco in the theory of history of Latvian art, but also the future vision of creative thought of artists and architects in Latvia in the 20-30s.