Hemp fibre and the agricultural waste has gained a grait interest of scientists and producers as a possible raw material to produce composite, fibre and particleboards. There are analised such variables’ effect on fibre shive components’ physical and mechanical properties as preservation time from 14- 365 days, board thickness from 8-16 mm, density from 345- 841kg/m3 and binder phenol- formaldehyde resin (PF) and urea- formaldehyde resin (UF)- all properties are set according to European standards. The board samples are produced according to untraditional technology on the experimenatal technological line in Leibnniz Institute for Agricultural Engineering Potsdam- Bornim. In the composite samples there are paralel placed hemp long technical fibres that are got according to traditional hemp stalk first processing technology and that are integrated into polypropylen matrix as filling component making a biodegradable combination. There is evaluated effect on such composite properties as absorbtion, tensile strength and Jung module by changing hemp fibre content (50 % and 70 %) and pressing temperature (170 0C till 1900C). The produced material can be used in furniture producing and also as heat insulation and interior material. The work is written in Latvian, its size is 120 pages. There are 70 pictures, 21 tables, 3 addendums and literature list consisting of 135 sources.