The present PhD Thesis is dedicated to the research of feasibility of using the bioclimatic factors in the process of the spatial environment design in Latvia. Application of the bioclimatic strategy in designing is crucial to the ensuring of a microclimate favourable for a human physiological comfort, by making the best use of the architectonic - spatial elements. The first part of the research includes the analysis of the historical development of the architectonic - spatial designing, focusing on the variable position of natural and climatic factors in the priorities of the spatial environment design. The author compares the contrasting guidelines for the valuation of the local natural and climatic environment in the regional folk building and global modernist architecture. The part deals in more detail with the development of the ecological thinking in architecture from the mid - 20th century to our days, as well as contains a definition of the main trends in the architectonic and aesthetic manifestation of various ecologically designed buildings. The second part of the research includes the comparison of theoretical and methodological guidelines for the valuation of the bioclimatic factors in the design process. The work involved the general analysis of a designing process, considering the process as a cluster of various algorithms. The part delivers a concentrated insight into the dawn of the bioclimatic theory in the mid-20th century, as well as summarizes and compares the main trends in integration of the environmental sustainability aspects in the computerised programming in the beginning of the 21st century. The third part is dedicated to the analysis of impact of the climatic factors on the spatial environment formation in Latvia. Theoretical calculations were made in order to establish the role of impact of the climatic factors in the process of spatial environment designing. Based on the analysis of practical examples, polling of architectures and interviews, there were established the main trends in Latvia in valuation of the environmental and climatic factors in a design process. Based on theoretical conclusions, practical examples and results of analysis of the polling data, the author defines the potential focus areas on the promotion of the bioclimatic strategy application in the spatial environment design in Latvia. The promotion paper is in the Latvian language, contains an introduction, 9 sections, conclusions, 6 enclosures, the bibliography, 59 drawings and images, and consists of 155 pages in total. The bibliography includes 130 titles.