Financial Literacy in Latvia: Defining the Concept and Survey Results
X International Scientific and Practical Conference „Contemporary Problems of Regional Economy Management”: Conference Proceedings 2013
Nataļja Lāce, Guna Ciemleja, Jeļena Titko

One of the priorities of the National Development Plan of Latvia for 2014 – 2020 is citizens’ resilience, which is related to the human economic security. In turn, economic security implies that citizens have predictable and sufficient income. Thus, the issues of the improvement of financial literacy level in Latvia are emphasized at a government level. Despite the questions related financial literacy are frequently debated in the academic literature, there is no consistent approach to understanding of the concept and its measuring methodology. The current paper reflects the results of a theoretical exploration of financial literacy concept and the results of measurement survey, conducted with Latvian sample data.

financial literacy, content analysis, measuring

Lāce, N., Ciemleja, G., Titko, J. Financial Literacy in Latvia: Defining the Concept and Survey Results. In: X International Scientific and Practical Conference „Contemporary Problems of Regional Economy Management”: Conference Proceedings, Russia, Saint Petersburg, 23-24 May, 2013. Saint Petersburg: Saint Petersburg State University of Economics, 2013, pp.124-126. e-ISBN 9785997805784.

Publication language
English (en)
The Scientific Library of the Riga Technical University.
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