Precise Eddy Current Impedance Measurement of Metal Plates
Olev Martens, Rauno Gordon, Marek Rist, Martin Min, Andrei Pokatilov, Andrejs Koliškins

Properties of conductive materials can be characterized and validated by electrical conductivity. Eddy current measurements have many benefits as compared to 4-point contact measurements. Combining theoretical and experimental studies have shown that with single planar spiral coil absolute measurements can be carried out with accuracy less than 10%.

Eddy current, planar coil, impedance spectroscopy

Martens, O., Gordon, R., Rist, M., Min, M., Pokatilov, A., Koliškins, A. Precise Eddy Current Impedance Measurement of Metal Plates. In: Lecture Notes on Impedance Spectroscopy: Measurement, Modeling and Applications. O.Kanoun ed. London: Taylor & Francis, 2011. pp.43-45. ISBN 9780415684057.

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English (en)
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