Proceedings of the Project “Smart Metering”
Anatolijs Zabašta,
Nadežda Kuņicina,
Kaspars Kondratjevs,
Vilius Dambrauskas,
Justas Deksnys,
Vytautas Deksnys,
Ina Gudele,
Alenas Kriaučeliūna,
Kristina Navalinskaitė,
Andris Nolendorfs,
Viesturs Šeļmanovs-Plešs
This publication reflects research performed in the field of both wired and wireless sensor systems in municipal utilities networks. Sensor systems for fast identification of leakage locations in water supply networks and district heating networks, and data processing and communication to corresponding management systems were developed, installed and tested at water supply grid of the Ventspils municipal water company “ŪDEKA” and district heating system in Kaunas.
Smart metering
Zabašta, A., Kuņicina, N., Kondratjevs, K., Dambrauskas, V., Deksnys, J., Deksnys, V., Gudele, I., Kriaučeliūna, A., Navalinskaitė, K., Nolendorfs, A., Šeļmanovs-Plešs, V. Proceedings of the Project “Smart Metering”. 3. Ventspils: Engineering Research Institute „Ventspils International Radio Astronomy Centre” of Ventspils University College, 2013. 114 p. ISBN 9789984648439.
Publication language
English (en)