Modeling the Intelligent Electrical Transport Control Systems with Immune Algorithms
Andrejs Mors-Jaroslavcevs

18.12.2013. 16:30, EEF, Kronvalda bulvārī 1, 117. telpa

Anatolijs Ļevčenkovs

Imants Matīss, Žilvinas Bazaras, Andris Šnīders

The objective of the Ph.D. thesis is to develop control methods based on artificial immune algorithms for the intelligent transport safety control system with embedded electronic devices, which will help prevent collisions of railway vehicles with other objects. The thesis consists of five chapters. In the first chapter of the thesis the goal and tasks are formulated, an existing electrified railway is analyzed, and a mathematical model of the existing and proposed systems is created that defines the possible disturbances in movement. The second chapter of the thesis deals with literature analysis of known evolutionary algorithms, including genetic algorithms, immune algorithms and neural networks. The chapter also describes some positioning equipment and embedded devices. The third chapter of the thesis contains the developed algorithms for avoiding rail and road transport collisions, defines the multiple criteria optimization objective function, and describes possibilities of implementing an immune algorithm for the embedded devices. In the fourth chapter the computer there are experiments with evolutionary algorithms carried out by the author, statistical hypothesis testing, and comparison of the three artificial intelligence techniques for collision avoidance problem, where effectiveness of the immune algorithm is proved. The fifth chapter of the thesis describes experiments with the developed embedded device prototypes, analyzes and evaluates the results. The thesis is written in Latvian on 169 pages, contains an introduction, five chapters, conclusions, two annexes, 54 pictures and tables. The bibliography contains references to 71 source of information.

immune algorithms, intelligent control, modeling

Mors-Jaroslavcevs, Andrejs. Modeling the Intelligent Electrical Transport Control Systems with Immune Algorithms. PhD Thesis. Rīga: [RTU], 2013. 169 p.

Publication language
Latvian (lv)
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