Self-Calibration in Differential Drive Dynamics/Kinematics Model
Proceedings of the 2013 International Conference on Systems, Control and Informatics (SCI 2013)
Mārtiņš Ekmanis
Localization and path planning is an essential elements of mobile robots but it relies on model availability. It is difficult to obtain robot dynamics/kinematics model due to lot of constants and variables. This paper proposes a highly adaptable and universal method for obtaining differential drive robot model by self-calibration. The obtained model is based on linear time invariant assumption and accepts sensor-less prediction as well as hybrid mode, where encoder’s data are filtered against the model. Theoretical background and experimental proof of model quality is included in this paper.
dynamics model; self-calibration; localization; robotics
Ekmanis, M. Self-Calibration in Differential Drive Dynamics/Kinematics Model. In: Proceedings of the 2013 International Conference on Systems, Control and Informatics (SCI 2013), Italy, Venice, 28-30 September, 2013. Venice: Europment, 2013, pp.145-150. ISBN 9781618042064.
Publication language
English (en)