Assessment of Roadside Particulate Emission Mitigation Possibilities
Dzintra Slišāne, Dagnija Blumberga

The improvement of air quality is now an issue for all developed countries. In the European Union transportation is the main source of NOx pollution and the second most significant PM10 and PM2, 5 emission sources. The focus of the research is transportation PM10 emissions. The paper introduces a model of system dynamics for analysis of road transportation PM10 emissions. The developed model is then used to compare PM10 emissions in 4 cases, one of which is the baseline, while in the other 3 a variety of road transport emission reduction methods are implemented. The simulation results have shown that the highest daily PM10 emission reductions can be achieved by combining technological and administrative methods. Administrative methods (rush-hour driving tax and heavy vehicle traffic restrictions) turned out to be the most effective.

canyon type streets, PM10 concentration, system dynamic, urban air quality, vehicle PM10 emissions

Slišāne, D., Blumberga, D. Assessment of Roadside Particulate Emission Mitigation Possibilities. Environmental and Climate Technologies. Vol.12, 2013, pp.4-9. ISSN 1691-5208. e-ISSN 2255-8837. Available from: doi:10.2478/rtuect-2013-0009

Publication language
English (en)
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