Methods to Reduce the Cogging Torque in Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machines
Electronics and Electrical Engineering 2013
Nikolajs Levins, SVETLANA ORLOVA, Vladislavs Pugačevs, Baiba Ose-Zaļā, Edgars Jākobsons

The phenomenon of cogging torque in permanent magnet synchronous generators with concentrated windings is considered in this work. Dependence of fluctuation amplitude of the torque on width of stator slot opening is researched. The method to reduce the cogging torque by skewing of stator slot and opening of stator slot width equal distance between magnet and tooth on the rotor is described. The construction of this generator is obtained on the basis of numerical simulation results.

Finite element method; Permanent magnet machines; Torque

Levins, N., Orlova, S., Pugačevs, V., Ose-Zaļā, B., Jākobsons, E. Methods to Reduce the Cogging Torque in Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machines. Electronics and Electrical Engineering, 2013, Vol.19, Iss.1, pp.23-26. e-ISSN 2029-5731. ISSN 1392-1215. Available from: doi:10.5755/j01.eee.19.1.3248

Publication language
English (en)
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