Talent Management in Public Administration Institutions: the Case of Latvian Customs
The 8th international Scientific Conference "Business and Management 2014": Selected Papers
Māra Pētersone,
Kārlis Ketners,
Aivars Vilnis Krastiņš
Creation of highly professional public sector and professional customs administration is a key issue for sustainable development of national economies while employees are key persons for customs administration. Attracting talented employees, retaining and attracting the best employees are some of the strategic issues for the customs authorities in order to ensure the public interests. The paper aims at exploration of current human resource management system of the Latvian customs and the identification of talent management system implementation factors. Analysis of model advantages is also conducted. The conventional quantitative and qualitative data analysis methods of economics as well as inductive and deductive research methods were used. The research resulted in the creation of the proposals for the possible talent management model in the SRS.
Talent Management; Customs Administration; Human Resource Management; Public Administration Performance; Latvia.
Pētersone, M., Ketners, K., Krastiņš, A. Talent Management in Public Administration Institutions: the Case of Latvian Customs. In: The 8th international Scientific Conference "Business and Management 2014": Selected Papers, Lithuania, Vilnius, 15-16 May, 2014. Vilnius: Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, 2014, pp.145-153. ISBN 978-609-457-650-8. e-ISBN 978-609-457-649-2. ISSN 2029-4441. e-ISSN 2029-920X. Available from: doi:10.3846/bm.2014.019
Publication language
English (en)