The thesis "Technology impact on hemp fiber insulation material properties" has been developed at Riga Technical University, Faculty of Material Science and Applied Chemistry, Institute of Design Technologies in cooperation with the Latvia University of Agriculture, Forest Faculty, Wood Materials and Technology; Centre for Technical Textiles, University of Leeds. Studies were supervised by Dr. hab. sc. ing. Professor Silvija Kukle during the period from 2009 till 2014. The aim of the research work: To perform complex research by evaluating the impact of non-woven technologies on the hemp fiber insulation materials properties and to develop thermal insulation materials prototypes of the local annual renewable resource base. In order to implement the aim several tasks were defined: 1. To identify and analyze opportunities of hemp fiber acquisition opportunities and methods, to carry out the comparative analysis. 2. To identify and analyze suitable non-woven materials manufacture methodes and technologies for the thermal insulation materials development, to make comparative analysis. 3. To make nonwoven materials experimental samples in the laboratory scale by using three different technologies and two varieties, test their physical properties. 4. To identify and systematize other in the global market existing insulation materials properties and to compare them with in this study manufactured samples. 5. To provid produced non-woven insulation materials economic calculations and to compare the data with the prices of other insulation materials offered in the global market. The thesis consists of 3 chapters: Chapter 1 - Review of the scientific literature, including the use of hemp fibers in the manufacture of insulation materials; non-woven materials technologies overview; analysis of within the thesis developed materials and other insulation materials properties available in the global market as well as materials economic analysis. Chapter 2 - provides description of used materials and methodology. Chapter 3 - discussion of research, including by 3 technologies manufactured nonwoven samples testing data analysis and comparisons between used varieties and technologies. Analysis of the costs of the non-woven materials. The main text of the Phd theses is writen on 145 pages. The paper includes 103 figures, 32 tables. 170 literature sources have been used.