Improvement of Competences Model at Latvian State Revenue Service
Māra Pētersone

In order to ensure higher productivity and efficiency of the public administration institutions and move towards a qualitatively different organization of the intrinsic values of the system, it is necessary to develop and improve the competency approach to human resources management, which, in recent years, has become popular in the world and also, in Latvia, because of its ability to provide qualitative and effective changes in public administration performance. Despite the fact that the public administration is expected to gradually integrate the competency approach in human resource management processes, such as planning and selection of personnel, development of job descriptions, setting of remuneration, career planning and development, the author analyzes the work of the State Revenue Service, focusing on the development of proposals to improve the performance of customs. The aim of the scientific article is to research aspects of personnel management in the State Revenue Service, with regard to the customs specifics. To this end, the following research investigation methods are used, such as, analysis of public administration personnel management normative documents, regulating and conceptual guidelines, expert evaluation studies, as well as monographic and logical access methods. The study led to the establishment of conceptual proposals for improvement of the competency model in the conditions, when tax and customs services are provided by one public administrative organization. Analyzing the interrelated regulations referring to knowledge and skills regarding effective work performance, the author concludes that, in the professional standards of the World Customs Organization, joint skills are set forth, without dividing them into general and specific knowledge. However, in the Latvian professional standards for customs officers, the sections "specific and general skills" and "education" are included, but "knowledge" is not at all mentioned. Based on the results of the analysis, in the job descriptions of customs officers the author offers write down those specific competencies that describe the content of professional knowledge and skills and divide them into general and specific, so that, they would not be confused with behavioural competencies that describe the behaviour of employees in work situations and are divided into general and functional competencies. Matching the content of professional standards and job descriptions and developing a single professional training and qualification system is economically justified and meets the interests of the State Revenue Service authorities and employees. The article presents the process management model for developing job descriptions and professional standards, taking into consideration the specific features of the process management of customs services.

competency, EU Competency Framework for the Customs profession, Job Description, Profession Standards

Pētersone, M. Improvement of Competences Model at Latvian State Revenue Service. In: Biznesa kompetences. I.Spīča ed. Rīga: Zinātniskā institūcija Biznesa kompetences centrs, 2013. pp.52-63. ISBN 978-9934-8143-7-2.

Publication language
Latvian (lv)
The Scientific Library of the Riga Technical University.
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