Effect of the Acid Hydrolysis Temperature on the Conversion of Birch Wood Hemicelluloses into Furfural
Key Engineering Materials
Prans Brazdausks,
Nikolajs Vederņikovs,
Māris Puķe,
Irēna Krūma
In this study, a new dilute sulphuric acid hydrolysis method was used for hemicelluloses secession from birch wood. The furfural extraction was investigated at different process temperatures (132ºC 162ºC, increasing it by 5ºC) and at constant amount of catalyst 3.0%, calculated on oven dried wood. The greatest amount of furfural 11.09%, which is 75.6% from the theoretical possible yield, was formed at temperature 147ºC after 90 min from the beginning of the birch wood pentoses monosaccharides dehydration process
furfural, acid hydrolysis, birch wood
Brazdausks, P., Vederņikovs, N., Puķe, M., Krūma, I. Effect of the Acid Hydrolysis Temperature on the Conversion of Birch Wood Hemicelluloses into Furfural. Key Engineering Materials, 2014, Vol.604, pp.245-248. ISSN 1013-9826. Available from: doi:10.4028/www.scientific.net/KEM.604.245
Publication language
English (en)