The main point of this thesis is to demonstrate the new deterministic concept with dynamic approach to transmission expansion planning in a perfect competitive electricity market based on technical and market economic regulation principals. The main part is focused on methodology and approach elaboration to transmission development planning in the long-term. During the past years, there has been interest and investigation in the area of transmission planning. With the establishment of new regulatory framework, the necessity of reviewing the transmission planning functions has become relevant. In power system development horizons and long-term planning tasks, decision makers and planning engineers require proper instruments that would be able assess the impacts of large-scale wind power installation. In addition, to secure optimal development solutions, a comprehensive understanding of the System and possible impacts on its operation is necessary. Moreover, understanding the electricity market, as well as the ability to calculate in advance the generation and transmission capacity requirements is needed. The goal of the work is to introduce methodology that could be implemented for transmission adequacy planning. In addition, the methodology should bring identification of requirements for modifications of remaining technical infrastructure, of E-market design as well as interventions by the regulation of the environment, by classified actions that may be appropriate to be used during the various time horizons, such as long-time, mid-time and operational with respect of efficiency in system management.