Promoting Sustainability in Schools. Compensation of Baltinava Secondary School Boiler House CO2 Emissions
Konference "Vides zinātne un izglītība Latvijā un Eiropā": tēžu krājums 2014
Dzintra Slišāne

An idea to involve students in compensation measures for CO2 emissions produced by Baltinava Secondary School boiler house was explored to promote thinking about possibilities for a small country school to become an active participant in National Action Plan Agenda 21. A Systems Dynamics approach was used to evaluate the validity of proposed policy. Results showed that ecological efficiency, if the policy implemented, would be unsatisfactory for CO2 emissions reductions, however student’s education will bring social gains.

CO2 emissions, sustainability, Systems Dynamics

Slišāne, D. Promoting Sustainability in Schools. Compensation of Baltinava Secondary School Boiler House CO2 Emissions. In: Konference "Vides zinātne un izglītība Latvijā un Eiropā": tēžu krājums, Latvia, Rīga, 24-24 October, 2014. Rīga: 2014, pp.21-22. ISBN 97899341433111.

Publication language
Latvian (lv)
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