Using of Mathcad for Fuzzy Logic’s Tasks Solving
Mūsdienu izglītības problēmas: Starpaugstskolu zinātniski praktiskā un mācību metodiskā konference: Raksti 2009
Jeļena Jevsjukova

The following paper describes the technique which can be used for the theory’s of fuzzy sets and fuzzy logic’s tasks solving in special courses of mathematics, if these courses provide studying of theory’s of fuzzy sets and fuzzy logic’s basics. The technique may be used in case if curriculum doesn’t include big quantity of hours for the studies of following themes.

fuzzy sets, linguistic variables, fuzzy logic operations and relations

Jevsjukova, J. Using of Mathcad for Fuzzy Logic’s Tasks Solving. In: Mūsdienu izglītības problēmas: Starpaugstskolu zinātniski praktiskā un mācību metodiskā konference: Raksti, Latvia, Rīga, 21-22 February, 2008. Rīga: TSI, 2009, pp.19-24. ISBN 978-9984-818-16-0.

Publication language
Latvian (lv)
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