Solving of Tasks of Fuzzy Logic in MATHCAD Environment
Educational Technology & Society 2011
Jeļena Jevsjukova

The paper describes the technique which can be used for solving tasks of the fuzzy sets theory and fuzzy logic in special courses of mathematics, if these courses provide studying of basics of the theory of fuzzy sets and fuzzy logic. The technique may be used in cases where the curriculum does not include the large number of lessons for the study of the above-mentioned topics. The offered software for solving of tasks (MATHCAD) does not demand additional time for mastering of its interface and working methods. This allows devoting of more time for studying the basic material. The paper describes methods for definition of fuzzy sets using arrays. It allows successful solving of the above-mentioned tasks in the environment MATHCAD. The described method is developed by the author of paper.

fuzzy set, fuzzy logic operations, relations of fuzzy logic, linguistic variables

Jevsjukova, J. Solving of Tasks of Fuzzy Logic in MATHCAD Environment. Educational Technology & Society, 2011, Vol.2, No.14, pp.306-315. ISSN 1436-4522.

Publication language
Russian (ru)
The Scientific Library of the Riga Technical University.
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