Wearable Power Harvester for Medical Applications
4th International Interdisciplinary Scientific Conference "Society. Health. Welfare" 2014
Gaļina Terļecka, Juris Blūms, Ausma Viļumsone, Zane Pavāre

Intelligent biomedical clothes combine health problem prevention, comfort, convenience, entertainment and communication with fashion and make everyday life easier. Homecare and healthcare applications wireless, mobile networks and wireless sensors improve the existing monitoring capabilities especially for the elderly, children, chronically ill and also for athletes. Sensor nodes are generally battery-powered devices. Batteries add size, weight and inconvenience to portable electronic devices and require periodical replacement. Nowadays the human power is an alternative and attractive energy source. Energy, which is generated during routine and seemingly insignificant human motions, shows promise as an alternative to power embedded wireless, mobile networks and wireless sensors. This paper describes the prototype of a smart garment and offers several alternative integration places of generator's parts, which are based on the principle of operation of the electromagnetic generator. Seven variants of location are proposed, which are tested and analysed. During the research, analysis of the most optimal placement of generator's part in garment has been performed.

wearable power harvester, smart clothing, electromagnetic energy harvester, energy harvester’s placement

Terļecka, G., Blūms, J., Viļumsone, A., Pavāre, Z. Wearable Power Harvester for Medical Applications. In: 4th International Interdisciplinary Scientific Conference "Society. Health. Welfare", Latvia, Riga, 22-23 November, 2012. Scranton: Marywood University, 2014, pp.00046-1-00046-8. ISBN 978-2-7598-0801-4. Available from: doi:10.1051/shsconf/20141000046

Publication language
English (en)
The Scientific Library of the Riga Technical University.
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