Heat Consumption Assessment of the Domestic Hot Water Systems in the Apartment Buildings
Proceedings of REHVA Annual Conference 2015
Dzintars Grasmanis,
Normunds Talcis,
Aldis Greķis
This study presents the analysis of energy consumption for domestic hot water in apartment buildings in Riga, Latvia. The aggregate data contains information about 39 apartment buildings, including heat energy consumption and domestic hot water (DHW) consumption. The analysis is focused on the heat energy consumption and seasonal characteristics in the DHW system.
The analysis characterizes the DHW consumption, energy consumption for DHW and energy losses in the DHW systems in apartment buildings.
apartment buildings, domestic hot water (DHW), heat consumption, heat gains and heat losses.
Grasmanis, D., Talcis, N., Greķis, A. Heat Consumption Assessment of the Domestic Hot Water Systems in the Apartment Buildings. In: Proceedings of REHVA Annual Conference 2015, Latvia, Rīga, 6-9 May, 2015. Rīga: RTU PRESS, 2015, pp.167-176. ISBN 978-9934-10-685-9. e-ISBN 978-9934-10-717-7. Available from: doi:10.7250/rehvaconf.2015.024
Publication language
English (en)