Performing a survey of literature, the author of the Doctoral Thesis considers theoretical and practical aspects of human resource management approaches in public administration, explains the organisational structure of customs services in relation to promoting sustainable development opportunities of human resource management in Latvia and around the world. The characteristic features of human resource management of customs services are studied and the factors influencing them are analysed. The analysis is based on statistical data and various studies that allow drawing conclusions and evaluating the strategic role of human resource management in ensuring the national economic security. Within the framework of the Doctoral Thesis, the classification of institutions of customs administrations is proposed. In the context of improving human resource management in the integrated customs and tax administrations, the author of the thesis analyses the process management characteristics of the customs services and their interaction opportunities with a variety of human resource management systems. The role of job descriptions in the customs operation is examined, determining factors of workplace creation in the customs services are studied, and the role of occupational standards to meet training needs is evaluated. Within the framework of the thesis, a talent management model based on a process approach and an integrated corruption risk management model are proposed. The author also compares occupational standards of national customs officials and customs officials of the World Customs Organization, performs the comparative analysis of job descriptions as well as proposes the methodology for selection, evaluation and training of customs officials. As solutions to the problems and proposals, lifelong learning activities are offered to improve customs education system in Latvia and worldwide in accordance with the Bologna Process. The author of the Doctoral Thesis evaluates the development opportunities of human resource management process at the State Revenue Service, meeting the national administration competency model and the EC TAXUD customs competency framework. Human resource assurance of training system is analysed and the employment approach of teaching staff involved in pedagogical work is developed that raises the issue of the efficiency of the learning process. The training model for specialists of tax and customs representative bodies is proposed, which is developed on the basis of a synergistic and interdisciplinary approach. The proposals made as a result of the research have a practical application in the personnel policy improvement at the State Revenue Service and the Customs Service of the Republic of Latvia as well as in the medium-term operational strategy. The Doctoral Thesis consists of three chapters, introduction, conclusions and proposals. Its volume is 181 pages, not including appendices. The Doctoral Thesis consists of 9 tables, 38 figures, 6 formula and 3 appendices that explain and illustrate the contents of the research.