Graduates of the Riga State Technical School: Contribution to Economy and Science of Their Homeland
Ilgvars Grosvalds

The Riga State Technical School – the oldest and biggest establishment of secondary technical education – celebrated its 95th anniversary in December 2014. Its development can be divided into three stages: Riga State Technical School (1919‒1944); Riga Industrial Polytechnic School (1944‒1991); Riga State Technical School (from 1991). The Technical School has provided the graduates with solid foundation for further education in economy, science, technique and culture. Thanks to its graduates the name of the Technical School is well-known not only in their homeland but also worldwide.

Riga State Technical School, graduates, national economy, science, technology

Grosvalds, I. Graduates of the Riga State Technical School: Contribution to Economy and Science of Their Homeland. The Humanities and Social Sciences. Vol.24, 2015, pp.44-53. ISSN 1407-9291. e-ISSN 2255-8543.

Publication language
Latvian (lv)
The Scientific Library of the Riga Technical University.
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