Impact of Hemp Shives Aggregate Mineralization on Physical–Mechanical Properties and Structure of Composite with Cementitious Binding Material
Industrial Crops and Products 2015
Giedrius Balčiūnasa, Ina Pundiene, Lina Lekūnaite-Lukošiūne, Sigitas Vejelis, Aleksandrs Korjakins

This article analyses the possibility of fibre hemp shives (FHS) to be used as lightweight aggregate incomposite with cement binding material. Cement and plant origin aggregates are hardly compatible,because water-soluble or alkaline environment soluble compounds inhibit cement hydration. To avoidharmful effect on cement hydration, it is necessary to mineralize FHS aggregates with complex miner-alizer (which consists of Al2(SO4)3and Ca(OH)2) in order to minimize the impact of hydration retarderson cement hydration. Rational amount of super plasticizer for forming mixture is selected in accordancewith viscosity of cement paste. Amount and ratio of mineralizer was selected according to kinetics ofhydration temperature of forming mixture, compressive strength, ultrasonic pulse velocity (UPV). It wasdetermined that the increase in the amount of mineralizer from 27% to 54 % (estimated based on FHSmass) promotes the cement hydration, shortens the time needed to reach EXO maximum and increasesits temperature, because the higher content of the Ca(OH)2participates in the process of dissolution andmakes the EXO reaction faster. The highest acceleration of cement hydration in a composite sample iscaused by optimum amount of component mineralizer which is 54%. The lower content of componentmineralizer did not completely bind sugar released from FHS, therefore, causing inhibition of cementhydration. Optimal amount and ratio of mineralizer allow obtaining the compressive strength after 28days of curing of 8.03 MPa as well as thermal conductivity of 0.179 W/(m K). Microstructure analysesshow that cement matrix with optimal amount of complex mineralizer is dense enough and well bondedwith new monolithic hydration products.

Fibre hemp shives, Cement , Compressive strength, Thermal conductivity, Plant based aggregates mineralizationa

Balčiūnasa, G., Pundiene, I., Lekūnaite-Lukošiūne, L., Vejelis, S., Korjakins, A. Impact of Hemp Shives Aggregate Mineralization on Physical–Mechanical Properties and Structure of Composite with Cementitious Binding Material. Industrial Crops and Products, 2015, Vol.77, pp.724-734. ISSN 0926-6690. Available from: doi:10.1016/j.indcrop.2015.09.011

Publication language
English (en)
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