Information Structure of a Contemporary Scientific and Technical Text
Vārds un tā pētīšanas aspekti: rakstu krājums. 18.sēj. (II) 2014
Larisa Iļinska, Marina Platonova, Tatjana Smirnova, Zane Seņko

Investigations on the information structure of scientific and technical texts have become particularly topical with the introduction of new methods of text analysis using corpora and text indexing software. Growing degree of information density of scientific and technical texts requires new approaches to the analysis of their information structure to understand the ways how information is encoded and interpreted in the process of professional communication. The word ‘information’ has been given different meanings by various researchers in the field of information theory (Shannon and Weaver 1949; Bar-Hillel and Carnap 1953; Nauta 1972; Cover and Thomas 1991; Floridi 2011). Information may be encoded, stored and transmitted, and these properties of information are studied by the mathematical theory of communication. It investigates a quantitative approach to information with the aim to answer the following questions: compression of information and the rate of data transmission. If data are meaningful, the result is described as semantic content (Bar-Hillel and Carnap 1953). The concept ‘information’ is closely related to such notions as knowledge, meaning, comprehension, constraint, perception, representation, and communication. Shannon (1993, 180) argues “It is hardly to be expected that a single concept of information would satisfactorily account for the numerous possible applications of this general field”. Following Shannon, Weaver (1949) proposed analysing information considering (1) technical problems associated with the quantification of information; (2) semantic problems relating to meaning; (3) problems concerning the impact and effectiveness of information on human behaviour. Dik (1997, 10) points out that in linguistics “…the term ‘information’ is not meant to be restricted to cognitive knowledge, but includes any possible item which is somehow present in the mental world of individuals, including their preconceptions and prejudices”. Therefore, analysing information structure of a text, pragmatic aspects should be taken into consideration. The issues addressed in the present article include the information structure of the scientific and technical text, its hierarchical organisation, and the problems of encoding and decoding of meaning at different levels. Semantic, pragmatic and textual analyses of the texts on Telecommunications are performed in order to investigate how the information structure of the contemporary scientific and technical text influences the processes of professional communication.

information structure, scientific and technical texts, focus vs. background, topic vs. comment, given vs. new, foregrounding

Iļinska, L., Platonova, M., Smirnova, T., Seņko, Z. Information Structure of a Contemporary Scientific and Technical Text. In: Vārds un tā pētīšanas aspekti: rakstu krājums. 18.sēj. (II). Liepāja: LiePA, 2014, pp.93-103. ISSN 1407-4737.

Publication language
English (en)
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