Pickup and Delivery Selection: Problem Formulation and Extension to Problem Variants
Katrien Ramaekers, An Caris, Tabitha Maes, Gerrit K. Janssens

Operational planning decisions of a carrier consist of accepting transport requests and constructing vehicle routes. However, a carrier has only a limited capacity within his own vehicle fleet and can only serve a selection of clients. Transport requests are accepted only if they contribute to a higher total profit. This practical aspect is modelled with the Pickup and Delivery with selection of customers. A mixed-integer programming formulation is given. It is indicated how the problem is solved by means of a meta-heuristic, more specifically a tabu-embedded simulated annealing algorithm. A number of alternative settings may appear in practice. They are discussed in this article.

Heuristic algorithms, operations research, optimisation, vehicle routing

Ramaekers, K., Caris, A., Maes, T., Janssens, G. Pickup and Delivery Selection: Problem Formulation and Extension to Problem Variants. Information Technology and Management Science. Vol.18, 2015, pp.84-90. ISSN 2255-9086. e-ISSN 2255-9094.

Publication language
English (en)
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