Enamel Modification by Sol-Gel Coatings for the Development of Thermotechnical Materials
Kaspars Mālnieks
01.06.2016. 15:00,
Rīgas Tehniskā universitāte, Paula Valdena 3/7, 272. kab.
Gundars Mežinskis
Jānis Grabis,
Jānis Kalnačs,
Jānis Kleperis
Docotoral tesis title is ENAMEL MODIFICATION BY SOL-GEL COATINGS FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF THERMOTECHNICAL MATERIALS. The thesis has been written in Latvian, and includes introduction, literature review, methodology, experimental part (I Sol-gel composition description, II Sol-gel characteristics, III Xerogel study, IV Enamel composition description, V Enamel surface structure analysis, VI Enamel with sol-gel coatings, VII Thermal resistance), conclusions, references, thesis to be defend, 149 pictures, 18 tables, 153 pages, 147 references.
Sol-gels, Emalja, TiO2-SiO2, Gaismas atstarošana, Fotokatalītiskā aktivitāte
Mālnieks, Kaspars. Enamel Modification by Sol-Gel Coatings for the Development of Thermotechnical Materials. PhD Thesis. Rīga: [RTU], 2016. 153 p.
Publication language
Latvian (lv)