Static-Dynamic Powder Material Compaction Methods
15th International Scientific Conference "Engineering for Rural Development": Proceedings. Vol.15
Viktors Mironovs,
Pāvels Stankēvičs,
I. Beljaeva,
V. Glushenkov
The paper discusses the basic methods of combined static-dynamic compaction of powder materials.
According to the authors, one of the important directions is a method that combines axial compaction of powder,
carried out with the help of a hydraulic press, and pulse-magnetic compaction (MPC). Experimental studies were
carried out on metal powder materials based on Fe-C-Cu. Particular attention is paid to the production of longlength products using step-type compaction; the effect of specific pressing energy on a compressibility of
materials is shown. It has allowed giving advice on the choice of compaction modes and on designing of
inductor devices.
static-dynamic compaction, powder materials, electromagnetic pulse
Mironovs, V., Stankēvičs, P., Beljaeva, I., Glushenkov, V. Static-Dynamic Powder Material Compaction Methods. In: 15th International Scientific Conference "Engineering for Rural Development": Proceedings. Vol.15, Latvia, Jelgava, 25-27 May, 2016. Jelgava: Latvia University of Agriculture, 2016, pp.1128-1132. ISSN 1691-5976.
Publication language
English (en)