Synthesis of New Dihydrocinnamoyl Anilines and Studies of Their Antiradical Activity
Balticum Organicum Syntheticum: Program and Abstracts 2016
Klinta Krasauska, Elīna Peipiņa, Dārta-Zelma Skrastiņa, Emilis Gudelis, Inese Mieriņa, Māra Jure

Dihydroavenanthramides (commercially, known as SymCalmin) – analogues of oat antioxidants avenanthramides – inhibit UVB-induced production of ROS and expression of MMPs.1 Some of them are known due to their antioxidant properties, too.2 However, to the best of our knowledge this is the first study evaluating structure-antiradical activity relationships of arylpronanoyl anilines 1. The target compounds 1 were synthesized by cleavage of arylmethyl Meldrum`s acids 2 with various aromatic amines according to the method elaborated by our group. Their antiradical activity was studied by DPPH and galvinoxyl tests. The compounds 1 act as typical phenol type antioxidants: only dihydroferuloyl and dihydrosinapinoyl derivatives 1a and 1b, respectively, demonstrate recognizable antiradical activity. According to the DPPH test, some of the synthesized anilides 1b show comparable or even higher antiradical activity than well-known antioxidant vitamin C. All of the compounds 1 have appeared remarkably better free radical scavengers than commercially widely used BHT

dihydrocinnamoyl anilines, antiradical activity

Krasauska, K., Zoltnere, E., Skrastiņa, D., Gudelis, E., Mieriņa, I., Jure, M. Synthesis of New Dihydrocinnamoyl Anilines and Studies of Their Antiradical Activity. In: Balticum Organicum Syntheticum: Program and Abstracts, Latvia, Riga, 3-6 July, 2016. Riga: 2016, pp.100-100.

Publication language
English (en)
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