Synthesis and Photophysical Properties of Novel Purine Nucleoside-amino Acid Conjugates
Riga Technical University 57th International Scientific Conference "Materials Science and Applied Chemistry" (MSAC 2016): Proceedings and Programme
Dace Cīrule,
Kristers Ozols,
oskars Platnieks,
Ērika Bizdēna,
Māris Turks
Methodology for preparation of purine nucleoside-amino acid and peptide conjugates has been described that lead to novel compounds. The elaborated methods are useful to prepare novel fluorescent derivatives of amino acids and nucleoside-peptide ligation products under mild conditions
Purine derivatives, Nucleosides, Fluorescent nucleosides, Adenosine analogues, Click chemistry, Fluorescent amino acids
Cīrule, D., Ozols, K., Platnieks, O., Bizdēna, Ē., Turks, M. Synthesis and Photophysical Properties of Novel Purine Nucleoside-amino Acid Conjugates. In: Riga Technical University 57th International Scientific Conference "Materials Science and Applied Chemistry" (MSAC 2016): Proceedings and Programme, Latvia, Riga, 21-21 October, 2016. Riga: 2016, pp.53-56. ISBN 978-9934-10-861-7.
Publication language
English (en)