Natural and Modern Innovative Materials in the Clothing Industry
Material Sciences. Textile and Clothing Technology 2016
Anda Ščerbaka, Andra Ulme

Leather has a lot of good material qualities which are wanted. It is durable natural material which is biodegradable and its quality and aesthetics do not disappear during wearing. It is a luxury item and desirable in the fashion world. Although leather industry is confronted with many problems, consumer still demands this material or alike for this material in quality. This article gives an overview of leather industry and its problems and challenges, explores alternative leather industries like eel, salmon and poulard leathers, which are byproducts of other food industries. The article gives little introduction in laboratory grown hides from Meadow and includes deeper investigation in innovative materials from non-animal origin equivalent textile material creation, like Piñatex which is made from pineapple fiber, Muskin and MycoWorks vegan leathers, which are made on fungi bases. Theme is discussed in order to detect in the clothing industry attractive young innovative materials with big future. Such innovations open up opportunities for science, engineering and design collaboration and encourage designers for innovative sustainable creation. This article will serve as a base to draw attention of designers, engineers, biologists, chemists and other scientific professionals for possible collaboration to create future view on new material production. It can serve as a driving force for new product development in design clothing industry. The work as well draws attention to new consumer markets which is looking for non animal produced, sustainability, eco-friendly, circular cycle fashion. Work can serve as first steps for further research establishment to begin develop new materials. Result of the study can be used as information for interested audience. Taking that all in account, it can also serve as a new vision to create similar materials and equivalent product development in Latvian environment

clothing industry, leather industry, alternative leather, vegan leather, ethics, non-animal origin equivalent textile materials, technology, sustainability, ecology, vegetable fiber, fungi.

Ščerbaka, A., Ulme, A. Natural and Modern Innovative Materials in the Clothing Industry. Material Sciences. Textile and Clothing Technology, 2016, Vol.11, pp.18-23. ISSN 1691-3132. e-ISSN 2255-8888. Available from: doi:10.7250/mstct.2016.003

Publication language
Latvian (lv)
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